I have a passion for sharing His words of hope and rescue. It bids me non-stop, and consistently tugs at my soul. Sometimes this call is expressed as I get to share with the ladies of my church. Other times I travel to give a gift of His promises and His goodness to weary souls of all ages. This week it has been my unspeakable joy to share His Word with two different groups of children. It has been a week of rental cars, airports, motel rooms, and new restaurants. It has been good. It also has had its challenges.
Here is a peek behind the curtain into my week:
While waiting to board our SHARED plane, I saw a lady losing her lunch in the trashcan between us. I passed tired couples sleeping on airport benches. I woke up at 4 am to catch a flight to our next destination. I skipped meals because there was no time and prayed over LCD projectors that needed new bulbs. I slept in beds that are not my own. I have operated on only two hours of sleep. I’ve eaten food, not in my plan. Even now, I sit in a McDonald’s using their free WiFi as I ache to crawl into bed.
Yet, the uncomfortable becomes doable because I love to share words; not my words but His story of rescue and His promise of peace. There is a joy of teaching 200 children and see faces light up with an understanding of the Old Testament. It is a gift when others beg to participate in simple role play from God’s Word. However, the icing on the cake is when children indicated they trust Christ as their forever King. This makes me want to hit the repeat button. This makes the uncomfortable, doable.
Have you ever had to travel the road of uncomfortable to reach your destination? Have you faced challenges in your God-given call?
There is a man in the Bible named Paul. He had a deep call on his life. He also had troubles and struggled through massive difficulties. He faced persecution, ship-wreck, snake-bite and so much more. Yet, he said, his challenges were ‘light and momentary’ compared to the joy of serving. 2 Corinthians 4:17-18
“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” (ESV)
As we look to the joy of the call and the reward of the eternal, the uncomfortable becomes doable.
My friend, what is God’s call on your life? Embrace the uncomfortable, so you get the joy. Serve when you’re tired. Work when you want to walk away. Press on dear friend. Change that diaper again, love that crying baby tenderly, speak words of kindness over the difficult one at work. Forgive that family member one more time. Choose to focus on the good in your man. Finish that next chapter. Complete the next task. Chase your dreams and don’t stop in the middle of hard. Rest and hit the repeat button. Press on for your work is not in vain.
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7 (NIV) Whatever you are facing today, be encouraged. As you press on, the uncomfortable will become doable. The rewards will chase you, and you will bump into victory.