
A Girl and her Crown

She danced with her crown secured on her tiny head. Dressed in her royal robe, she moved to the music with a smile on her face. She was not only adorned with her jeweled tiara, but she was adored and loved by all her subjects. You see, at this moment, my grand-baby girl, Bella, was not in her living room. She was in her palace from far away. She. Was. Royalty. And she had a Disney tiara to prove it.

Do you feel like a princess today? Do you behave like royalty? Can you picture yourself twirling in a purple robe and a jeweled crown?

My almost-two-year-old grand-baby girl’s imagination has reminded me of a truth. As a child of the King of Kings, we are part of His royal family. Christ has bought us, redeem us and crowned us as sons and daughters. “He crowns you with love and mercy – a paradise crown.” Psalm 103: 4 (MSG)

Charles Spurgeon says it this way, “Our Lord does nothing by halves, he will not stay his hand till he has done the uttermost with his people. Cleansing, healing, and redemption are not enough. He must make them kings and crown them. The crowns must be far more precious than if it were made of corruptible things like silver and gold. It is to be studded with gems of grave and mercy but made soft for the head to wear by a lining tenderness . . . God himself crowns the prince of his family. They do not earn the crown, but he is resolved to bless them. Our sin deprived us of all our honors . . . but he removed the sentence of death and restored us . . . by crowning us anew.”

I often forget these truths amid my daily grind of meal prep, laundry, and leggings. I hardly feel like a princess. However, if my grand-baby can see herself as royalty, why can’t I? God’s word says, he “crowns you with love and compassion who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103:4-5 (NIV)

I have decided to live my days as a princess just like my grand-baby girl. I challenge you to do the same. I promise our crown is so much better than a Disney tiara! Let us adjust our invisible coronet and leave it firmly on our head. Let us decide to act like a princess. Dance like a princess. Behave with grace like a princess because we are daughters of the one true King!