
A Place at the Table

Salt and pepper are common household items. Typically, as families gather around a table for a meal, the pair is within arms reach. Though very different, both salt and pepper have a place at the table. Both add value to the team. To me, this “pair” can be used as a daily reminder to strive for a happy marriage. Why? Sometimes we forget to work together as a team. Sometimes we forget that both, the husband and the wife have a place at the table. Today, I give you a visual and a list of some of my favorite books/websites on marriage. Hopefully, it will encourage you as you are living out this beautiful thing called marriage.

Salt and Pepper:

Both salt and pepper have a valuable place on the kitchen table.

One is a spice the other an enhancer. Salt enhances the true flavor of the food, whereas pepper adds a little pop . . . boldness. Salt and pepper are uniquely different, but both are needed.

As salt and pepper live side by side on the kitchen table, it would help them to remember that though different, they are complimentary.

It would help salt and pepper to understand they work best as they work together. 

It would benefit salt and pepper to embrace a team mindset, using their individual strengths for the good of the team.

Husbands and wives, like salt and pepper, both have a valuable place at the table of marriage. Though they are very different, both are needed.

As the husband and wife live side by side, it would help the pair to remember that though different, they are complimentary.

It would benefit the married couple to understand they work best as they work together bringing their unique strengths to the team.

It would help the husband and wife to remember that as we embrace a team-mindset we are better together.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NIV

Here are a few of my favorite resources on marriage. (I might not agree with every comment in the books or the website but overall I do recommend the following resources.)


Intimate Issues: 21 Questions Christian Woman ask about Sex by Linda Dillow

Love is a Decision by Gary Smalley and John Trent

DNA of Relationships by Gary Smalley

Love and Respect by Eggerich

Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

A Celebration of Sex by Douglas E. Rosenau

Is That All He Thinks About? Marla Taviano

The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Martian


Hot, Holy and Humorous This website is very open but from a Godly perspective

“The Dating Divas Strengthening Marriages One Date at a Time” Great resource on date ideas and downloads to make dates fun etc. Also, if you are in a one-sided marriage, she has an article called “14 Ways to Deal with a One Sided Marriage” that I think is good.

Happy Marriage my Friends! If Terry and I can ever help you and/or your spouse, feel free to reach out to us.