Friends!!! I have some exciting news! You are invited to a Get-Away to the beautiful Montreat Conference Center on November 15-17, 2019!!!
Why do you want to come?
1. We will dig deep into the story of Hannah. We will hear of her tears and her prayers. We will learn of her intentional walk with the Savior.
2. No one will hear anyone holler “mom” for three days! (Yes, I love them deeply, but even moms need rest)
3. You do not have to step into a kitchen for daaaayyyys; but somehow, a carefully prepared dinner will magically appear in front of you.
4. You can sleep without interruptions! No husband . . . 😜 and no pets! Haha!
5. You will laugh! You might even cry! But I believe you will leave renewed and excited to re-engage with your daily!
The Title for the weekend is “An Intentional Walk with the Lord.” Our guest speaker is Marilyn Osborn. She truly is an amazing motivating friend that you will want to hear. Marilyn has been in full-time ministry for over 25 years. She is married to a missionary in Baton Rouge and has been involved in women’s ministry for all of her adult life.
Marilyn Osborn

PLUS . . .
Worship will be lead by Kelly Ennett and Meghan Almond!!!
Let’s be real ladies! Whenever I am a little down, I turn the music up loud and sing/dance like no one is watching! Worship renews my soul! Worship puts my thoughts on Him instead of me. ❤️ And I can’t wait to hear these two very talented ladies as they lead us in worship! Don’t miss it!

The General Schedule for the Weekend is
Check-in at Montreat is between 4-5:30. Dinner is on campus from 5:30 – 6:30pm, Friday night session begins at 7pm. On Saturday, November 16, breakfast starts at 7:30am followed by morning sessions. Saturday afternoon consists of an off-campus lunch, and free time. Excursion ideas will be shared. Dinner is at 5:30 on campus, and evening sessions will follow. Sunday morning begins with breakfast at 7:30. We will have a Sunday morning service (Nov 17) together, and head home by 11am.
This event is open to ladies who want to move forward in their spiritual journey. The retreat has the potential to be a spiritual mile marker. You can leave as a different daughter of the Most High God. Come, Friends! You just need to get there.
For more details and sign-ups Check out this link: