I have literally traveled around this beautiful earth from Bali, London, Switzerland, Israel, Canada, (to name a few) to almost every US state.
And to be honest, in moments when tempted to chase the “things of this world.” I confess that travel, security, and even earthly recognition have been at the top of my list. Sorry.

However, I ALWAYS come back to the truth that NOTHING gives lasting joy like a relationship with Christ and time with my tribe. I promise.
Not travel, not recognition, not even my earthly security.
My Friend, I believe we all chase something or someone. Your chase is probably very different from mine. Yet, we run hard after something, none the less.
What dangling bright light are you pursuing? What are you chasing in search of your joy?
Maybe, the thought of travel does not appeal to you. Perhaps, you are carefree and don’t need security, as my humanism craves. Maybe, you would rather die than be on a stage or serving others.
However, whatever it is that you are after, don’t get duped by the BIG lie. Don’t let yourself believe that earthy things, such as a bigger house, another vacation, a better job, or a perfect holiday will bring you joy.
It. is. a. lie. And a big one.
The answer is in THE Christ. The answer to your joy is in faith and family. Chase them with all you have because joy is not what you have or where you go, but WHO you know. Happiness is recognizing the simple and beautiful God-given gifts all around you.
I find peace in the quiet mornings under a fuzzy white blanket beside of Christmas lights, spending time with THE LiGHT of the world. I find life in reading from the Book of Life. I have discovered a peaceful rest in Him when life is crazy all around me. Joy is found in knowing the One who gives Hope to our hopeless world. This joy is for me . . . and you.
“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:5 (NIV)

I also find joy in spending everyday moments with the ones I love. It takes intentionality. It takes planning. It means slowing down to savor the seconds, but it is so worth it.
The word ‘together’ reminds me, “to gather.” I am ‘to gather’ together with loved ones. It is as simple as gathering with no plan. Just gather.
For me, it is as simple as resting by a near-by creek with my man on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

Or spending time with dear friends around a Hot Chocolate Bar at church.

Or attending a pre-school program to see my grand-girl sing Christmas Carols.

Be careful, sweet sister. Don’t chase the wrong things. Chase The One and ones dear to your heart. Seek the Lord with all that you have within. Keep investing in your family, even when it is hard. If that door is shut for now, then enjoy the daily with whatever family or friends are currently around you. Just Gather with your loved ones.
Keep chasing the ONES who matter most, for nothing else will matter really at the end of the chase.
I leave you with the words of my Lord in John 10:10. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 (NIV)
Merry Christmas Friends! Enjoy the life you live!