Maybe, because we almost lost my miracle dad to a heart attack or perhaps, it is because my man-children have packed their bags for new adventures. Maybe, it is because I see my time on this earth quickly passing.
“Yet, you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” James 4:14 (ESV)
Whatever the reason as schedules are tight and time is short, it is crucial to create memories with the gifts I love.
Last week, I counted my gifts for the blessing of creating even the simplest of moments make the grandest memories. I want to share a few with you.
1. Such as Eating popcorn with unicorns.

She sees popcorn and unicorns, I see a grand-baby girl who has a sassy pigtail. I see the gift of a sweet and sassy personality with the potential to take over the world.
2. Bonding over sushi with talk of St Louis from my Son and my Sister, separated by miles but never from a good story. We tasted sushi, salad, soup, and hibachi and shared our latest stories. I recognize the gift of distant family who are not distant at all.

3. The gift of good coffee and cute socks with the grands, because Nanny runs on good coffee and Jesus. 🙂 I pause to recognize the giving of a Godly heritage and holy experiences with my parents.

4. The gift little puzzles with the littles who occupy a BIG residence in my soul. No explanation needed, right? If you are a grand, you totally get it, for children (and especially grandchildren) are a gift from the Lord. I believe this to be true for my birth-grands and my foster-grand.
“Children are a gift from God; they are His reward.” Psalm 127:3 (TLB)

5. The gift of a moment with my mountain-man in quiet corners as he talked and I listened. I reminisced of his recent diploma, as he maps out his future diplomas. I listened with open ears, but I see Big plans behind those Big brown eyes. I am thankful for the gift of a son full of determination, hope, and dreams. I am grateful for the one who challenges and cheers him to step into more.

6. The gift of accomplishment and success. As my sister and I traveled last week to visit our brother and one of his clothing stores, I saw the gift of his accomplishments. While walking into his world, I felt a wave of ‘Big Sister Pride.’ My brother envisions more to be done, I see the gift of reaping what you sow. I see his hard work and rewards. (Galatians 6:7-9) I am thankful for his gift of success.
I also recognize the sacrifice of siblings who carve out time to be together. Three siblings, living in three different states, takes intentionality. Time together is a precious commodity. This is a gift to celebrate.

Friends, today I ponder the shortness of life and passing of breath because recently, a friend, who is like a sister, lived through her father’s death. It is no secret that life and loss are hard. Sometimes, it is even unbearable.
What is a gal to do when the road is hard, and the struggle-bus is real? Where do we turn when we bump into hurt?
I count my gifts. In the middle of my grappling, I praise the Giver for the gifts. My joy returns Every. Single. Time. He is the Giver of good things. He is the Giver of my everything. ‘Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.’ James 1:17 (ESV)
I love Lauren Daigle’s song entitled Everything. Click Here to listen. Lauren recognizes God as the giver of our every possession and moment. Friends, life is too short, to not know and worship Him. I am choosing to pause and thank Christ for the blessings. How about you?
“Even the sparrow has a place to lay its head
So why would I let worries steal my breath?
Even the roses, You have glowed them brilliant red
Still I’m the one You love more than thisYou give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything I needEven the oceans push and pull at Your command
So You can still my heart with Your hand
You tell the seasons when it’s time for them to turn
So I will trust You even when it hurtsYou give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything I need
You give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything I needWhen I can’t see, You lead me
When I can’t hear, You show me
When I can’t stand, You carry me
When I’m lost, You will find me
When I’m weak, You are mighty“
Lyrics ‘Everything’ by Lauren Daigle