For four long months, ‘the hill’ has tormented me. It pierced, jeered, and jabbed at my confidence. (If you missed my back story, click Here.)
In the first two months, I replayed the bike wreck in my head. Though my body recovered from the concussion, migraines, road rash, and badly sprained wrist, it took my courage a little longer to heal. My brave-tank ran dry as my coward brain logically gave 729 reasons why I should avoid “the hill.” Every time my spirit wanted to conquer, fear followed.

That is, until I began to face my fear. I rescued my bike from her ‘time-out’ corner of the garage, and with my biggest cheerleader at my side, we went for a ride.
First, we rode on simple paths, straight paths, short paths. I graduated to a tiny hill and a gravel road with a slope. For a few weeks, we rode together, building my courage. Yet, I still avoided “the infamous hill.”

We packed up our bikes and grabbed our water bottles and helmets. We headed to the trail. I warmed up on a few paths, then peddled towards the ‘scary’ hill in question. As I traveled through the woods, knowing what challenges lay ahead, Satan whispered my past failure. Fear rose its ugly head. Honestly, I pulled to the side of the path and jumped off my bike. Defeat stared back at me.
With a little encouragement, I climbed back up and tried again. The same whispered song tormented my mind. What if I fail? What if I fall again? What if I end up in the emergency room again?
What if . . .
What if . . .
What if . . .
As I faced my hesitation for the third time while staring down the curvy path, I whispered a prayer and focused on the goal instead of my fear. I controlled my bike, and I rounded the sharp, steep curve to ‘perfectly execute the infamous hill!!’ (Terry’s words, not mine)
As the wind hit my face, and victory flooded the heart, I admit salty water brimmed at the edge of my eye-lids. Why? The hard-earned victory was mine! It was not that I conquered the hill, but that I faced my fear and overcame. I was no longer bound by the lies that plagued my head.
The truth is: I can face my fears! And you can too!
2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV) reads, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (ESV)
I can overcome! And you can too! I conquered the infamous steep, curvy gravel hill and met victory. You, also can conquer and complete your victory!
“We are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:37 (ESV)

Friend, what doubt is Satan whispering to you today? What fear is paralyzing you? Do not live in the inability to move forward because of the lies in your head. No matter how big or small your ‘thing’ is, I suggest you whisper your prayers, focus on the goal instead of your fear, and try again and again until you conquer.
I want to encourage you today, to climb up on ‘your bike.’ Do it slowly, if needed. Practice, if needed. Know that you can face your giant because if this little country girl can do it, I know you can as well. You are strong enough. You are wise enough. God created you to live in peace, not fear. Do not be paralyzed by Satan’s lies. Keep moving forward until you are ‘free, indeed’!
“If the Son has set you free you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 (ESV)
(Just to be true to every word,- though I published this today, it was written on Saturday, Sept 19.)
Way to go Becky!!! This is so encouraging.
Thank you Gail! 🙂