Plans have been rearranged – Again. Ugh!
Adjustments have been set in place – Again.
Plan B was cancelled and new plans made. Only to be rearranged – Again.
Haha! Welcome to 2020! Right? 🙂
What is a momma to do when the calendar is a moving target before her very eyes? How do we move forward when the path of this pandemic season is twisting and turning?
A secret that is helping me is to Find the Blessings in the Challenges. Life is going to be full of disappointments. Life does not always turn out as expected. Life can be hard. Honestly, I can move forward through the hard or get stuck in the mental chaos. Today, I am choosing to take steps forward. I want to find the blessings tucked in the forgotten corners. I will unwrap my gifts, set them up in a prominent place in my mind, and revisit them often. I am choosing to find my many blessings even in my Christmas Challenges. And friend, you can too!
Here are a Few Personal Examples:
No large gathering at my home this season. So I am unwrapping the blessings of one-on-one time with the family members that are home. Yes, I love the loud unit we are when everyone is together. However, there is something rich about the moments shared in individual time. In 2020, I count this as a blessing.

No Christmas shopping in stores with the hustle of the hunt in 2020. (And I love to shop!) However, I am enjoying the convenience in the chaos – such as packages delivered to my door. We live in a modern society of quick and easy. In 2020, I count this as a blessing. Yes, I am thankful for grocery pick-ups and Amazon Prime. Can you relate?

No Christmas parties to attend this year. It seems strange and a little sad if I let my mind wander down this path. However, I have breathed a little deeper and relaxed a little more. Honestly, I would have missed this blessing if 2020 had been like Christmas’s of my past. Indeed, I want to linger in this gift and soak it all in. For me, there has been less rushing in 2020 this Christmas season. I have enjoyed the quiet early mornings around the white lights of my tree. I have paused to remember the true meaning of the season. I have enjoyed unwrapping the gift of reflection and re-evaluation. I hope to never return to the crazy rat-race of before.

Many have died this year due to the virus. As I type, I have extended family and friends with Corona. In the chaos of it all, Life has become a little sweeter, a gift not to be wasted. No one knows when our Lord will call us home, so I vow not to take the gift of life for granted.
Love trumps all things – even in a pandemic. There has been confusion in 2020. People are living with heightened fears and unknowns of the future. However, love trumps all things. Love abounds, even in a pandemic. “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13
Everything is different at my house this year. However, the meaning of Christmas has not changed. It will never change. It is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. But the crazy thing is, though it will never change, it changes everything. And for that reason, I am celebrating the meaning of the Christmas season.
Friends, unwrap your blessings this year and you will have a very Merry Christmas!

This warmed my heart so much! Yes, I am feeling the “unknown” of our future but yet I know who holds my future. I must admit I have throughly enjoyed the packages arriving at my door and not out in the hustle and bustle of the crowds….my warm blanket on the couch digging my feet in my hubby’s side😂, loving the lights on our tree. I reflect on the goodness of God’s grace towards myself and our family. Yes, this will be a different kind of Christmas but like you, I hope to let future Christmas be like this one-because it’s about the ONE who never moves, changes nor stops loving us.