Hi Friend!
One of my greatest joys is to share encouraging words for your everyday life using a Biblical perspective! I believe this was a God-given dream. Honestly, this ministry is growing in ways I never thought possible! And you have been a part of the journey, so let me share with you some fun news.
The website is getting an updated makeover! I am absolutely thrilled! I believe you will love it! I do! It will be going live in a few weeks!
However, did you know that once upon a time, I felt inadequate? Fearful of sharing simple words, God’s truth and struggled with body image. Yet, I believe God invited me to move beyond myself and my fears to step into a journey with Him. And somehow, along the way, He used simple words from a plain country girl that loves Jesus to land in your mailbox every Friday morning.
Friend, I don’t know what dream God has given you, but I do know one thing. Trust Him. Step out of your comfort zone. Do the thing and watch God work. When you hear His invitation, say yes and keep saying yes. God will do the rest and it will be more than you ever thought possible!
Stay tuned – more coming soon!
Congrats, Becky! Can’t wait to see it…and to see where God takes you next!
Thank you for trusting our Father with your walk. I was watching my 2 year old granddaughter walking hand-in-hand with her daddy across the weather worn bridge from our rented beach house to the open sand and vast ocean. I was vividly reminded in my spirit that is the way God wants to walk with each of us. So simple, yet we too often don’t notice the extended hand.