Uncategorized From Taunting to Teaching It blinks with a taunting rhythm. The tiny black line indicates where typed text should live. Instead, an emptiness of…
Uncategorized Don’t Let Failures Fool You I have a friend who filled out one hundred applications before she landed a job. That is ninety-nine failures before…
Uncategorized The Big Picture for Your Day When soaring above the clouds, it is easy for me to see the vastness of this big, beautiful world. The…
Uncategorized I See You Little Momma I see you, little momma. I see the struggle to give and give, while the little ones take and take.…
Uncategorized A Place at the Table Salt and pepper are common household items. Typically, as families gather around a table for a meal, the pair is…
Uncategorized Our Marriage Dance Have you faced unmet expectations in your marriage? Have you ever been frustrated and wanted to walk away? Terry and…
Uncategorized A Prayer for your Spouse Father, fill (spouse’s name) with love for You, that he/she would ‘love You with all his/her heart and with all…
Uncategorized Sunday is Coming! “Mimi, Friday is the sad day,” my three-year old grand-baby girl softly expressed. Her little mind attempting to process the…
Uncategorized I Want S’More of Jesus I crave Him more than I want a good s’more . . . and I love s’mores! How about you?…
Uncategorized Let your Posture Preach your Sermon Do you ever feel worn out and tired? Are you struggling to keep up with your daily schedule? Me too!…